Siempre hablo de las tradiciones de la "otra orilla" pero la Navidad nunca la he vivido allí, así que me toca centrarme en los sabores de "aquí"... La Navidad en España supone todo un festín para los golosos y, es que la variedad de delicias dulces es casi, casi infinita. Tengo que reconocer que el dulce que más me gusta de estas fechas es el Roscón de Reyes y, últimamente, me he aficionado también al pannettone, de hecho, tengo pendiente hacer uno, pero eso será en otro momento.
El roscón... hasta hace unos años, siempre lo comprábamos, un año, y van ya seis al menos, me lancé a hacerlo en casa y nunca más lo he vuelto a comprar... El año pasado encontré la receta definitiva, la infalible, la que consigue que la casa se inunde de un fantástico aroma a bollo dulce afrutado, con una miga esponjosa, casi como una nube y, que mojado en una taza de chocolate caliente, supone casi un extasis...
Mi idea hoy, era presentar el Roscón en una bonita bandeja, un trozo para enseñar la miga en un plato en condiciones, pero ha sido imposible... Hasta mi "esposo" que lleva dos años a dieta rigurosa ha "tripitido" e incluso preguntaba por qué sólo se hace este delicioso bollo una vez al año... Me veo haciendo roscón una vez al mes..
La verdad es que está exquisito, con las cantidades que doy en la receta sale un roscón grande, pero normalmente, le quito una parte para que mis peques hagan uno pequeño que le dejan a los reyes y, no dejan ni las migas!!
- 90 gr. de harina.
- 50 gr. de leche entera.
- 2 gr. de levadura fresca
- Prefermento
- 340 gr. de harina de fuerza.
- 120 gr. de leche entera
- 2 huevos
- 80 gr. de azúcar
-15 gr. de levadura
- 5 gr. de sal
- 60 gr. de mantequilla a temperatura ambiente
- 30 gr. de ron
- 30 gr. de agua de azahar
- 1 palo de canela en rama
- la corteza de medio limón y de media naranja.
- Fruta escarchada
- Almendras fileteadas
- Azúcar
Para tener un roscón ligero como una nube, es preciso que el día antes de hacerlo preparemos un preferemento que actúa en la masa final como una superlevadura. Es muy fácil de hacer y sólo nos lleva unos minutos. Disolvemos la levadura en la leche, añadimos la harina y mezclamos bien hasta conseguir una bola.
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A dormir al frigo 24 horas a ser posible... |
NOTA: Si la leche merma desmasiado, se puede añadir más aunque esté fría, el calor de las pieles hará su trabajo.
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Con este poquito ya habeis perfumado la casa entera... |
Al día siguientes hay que ponerse manos a la obra, sacamos el prefermento de la nevera con cierta antelación para que vaya cogiendo fuerza, sacamos la mantequilla, los huevos y los dejamos a temperatura ambiente.
Colamos la infusión de cítricos y la pesamos, le añadimos el ron y el agua de azahar y si no hemos completado los 120 gramos, añadimos un poco de agua o de leche, a nuestra elección.
En un bol, ponemos todos los ingredientes menos la mantequilla y únicamente la mitad del líquido, para que sea más fácil de amasar..
Lo mezclamos bien y añadimos el resto del líquido, amasamos mínimamente y lo dejamos reposar unos 15 minutos para que la levadura y el fermento vayan haciendo su trabajo y nosotros no tengamos que dejarnos los brazos amasando.
Amasamos unos 5 minutos y dejamos reposar otros 5, a continuación, añadimos la mantequilla en trozos y amasamos bien para que quede bien integrada..
Mejor dejarla reposar un poco, no? |
Una vez que hemos conseguido una preciosa bola lisa y homogénea, tapamos la masa con un plástico y dejamos reposar hasta que doble su volúmen.
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El monstruo está listo!! |
Pasamos la bola de masa a una superficie ligeramente enharinada y desgasificamos bien, se trata de quitarle todo el gas porque si no, a la hora de dar forma al roscón empezarán a salir burbujas en la masa que quedan bastante mal y dificultan la manipulación.
Bueno, ya sin aire, hacemos una bola, le hacemos un agujero en el centro con los dedos y empezamos a abrirlo, dando forma de roscón. Si vemos que se nos resiste la masa, hay que dejarla reposar unos minutos y luego será más fácil.
Por último, una vez que tenemos el roscón formado, lo ponemos sobre un papel de horno y pintamos con huevo. Le metemos las sorpresas correspondientes y el haba y a descansar alrededor de una hora, o hasta que doble su volúmen.
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No desgasisfiqué bien y se nota.. amorfo... |
Ahora con el horno precalentado, 190º y 20 minutos de tensa espera hasta poder hincarle el diente a esa delicia que lleva ya un tiempo perfumando tu casa y si me apuras, el edificio..
No parece una nube?? |
Usually, when I write the entries, I try to translate them into English as accurate as possible to the Spanish version but today I want to let you all know about the culinary Christmas traditions in Spain.
There's a wide variety of sweets and special treats. We have turron which is arabic origin and it´s made with almonds, egg whites and lots of sugar creating a hard bar, very popular all over the country and mostly manufactured in Xixona and many, many more...
Well, I could write and write about all these sweets but I want to talk to you about the Three Magic's Doughnut, a delicious and traditional sweet only eaten on January 5th and the following day, Epiphany's Day.
Families and friends gather around this huge bagel which contains a surprise, usually a small pottery figure, and a bean. The "Roscón" is cut in portions and the person who gets the surprise inside his portion is crowned as king.. but the person who gets the bean must pay the Roscón... Traditions!!.. I love eating it with a cup of hot chocolate but some people prefer to drink sweet wine..
At home we eat the Roscón plain, but you can buy it filled with whipped cream, or chocolate cream and many others.
My idea today was to present the Roscon on a pretty tray, , but it was impossible ... Even my "husband" that has been on diet for the last two years couldn´t stop eating my Roscón and even wondered why this delicious bun is only made once a year ... I see myself preparing it once a month ..
The truth is that it is exquisite, with the amounts given in the recipe I get a big roulade, but normally, I remove a small portion of dough for my kids to make a small one for the Three Magic's kings and they leave no crumbs !!
FOR preferment:
- 90 gr. of flour.
- 50 gr. of whole milk.
- 2 g. fresh yeast
- Preferment
- 340 gr. strong flour.
- 120 gr. whole milk
- 2 eggs
- 80 gr. of sugar
-15 gr. yeast
- 5g. of salt
- 60 gr. butter at room temperature
- 30 gr. rum
- 30 gr. orange blossom water
- 1 cinnamon stick
- The rind of half a lemon and half orange.
- Candied fruit
- Slivered almonds
- Sugar
In order to get a light and perfect crumb, the previous day we have to prepare the preferment. It is very easy and only takes us a few minutes. Dissolve the yeast in milk, add the flour and mix well and shape as a ball.
Let it rest in the fridge for 24 hours if possible ...
On the other hand, we will cook our 120 gr. milk along with the skins of lemon and orange and the cinnamon stick for 5 minutes. You will see that the amount of milk decreases considerably, store in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
NOTE: After boiled you may even run out of milk but don´t worry, just add a bit more to the fruit skins and cinnamon and keep in the fridge.
The next day you have to get down to work, we get the preferment out of the refrigerator a while before preparing the dough, we get the butter, eggs and leave at room temperature.
Strain the citrus infusion and weigh it, we add the rum and orange blossom water and if we have not completed the 120 grams, add a little water or milk, at our option.
In a bowl, we put all the ingredients except the butter and half the liquid only, to make it easier to knead ..
Mix well and add the remaining liquid, knead minimally and let it stand about 15 minutes so the yeast and ferment make their job afterwards we won´t get too tired of kneadding.
We knead for about 5 minutes and let the dough rest another 5, then add the butter in pieces and knead well until well integrated ..
Once you've got a beautiful smooth and homogeneous ball, cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it rest until size is doubled.
The monster is ready !!
We transfer the dough ball to a lightly floured surface and degas it,
Well, without air, we make a ball, make a hole in the center with your fingers and begin to open until completely shapped. If you find the dough difficult to shape, just let it stand a few minutes and then it will be easier.
Finally, once we have made the roulade, we put it on a baking paper and brush with egg. We place the corresponding surprises and the bean and rest for about an hour, or until doubled in size.
We already have a potential monster that smells great and is still raw, we return to paint with egg, decorate with candied fruit, almonds, anything that comes to mind ... Imagination to power .. or tradition ..
Now with the preheated oven, 190 ° and 20 minutes of tense waiting until you can sink your teeth into the delicacy that will provide your home with a mouthwatering smell,,,
Try it and you won´t be dissappointed!!
Well, I could write and write about all these sweets but I want to talk to you about the Three Magic's Doughnut, a delicious and traditional sweet only eaten on January 5th and the following day, Epiphany's Day.
Families and friends gather around this huge bagel which contains a surprise, usually a small pottery figure, and a bean. The "Roscón" is cut in portions and the person who gets the surprise inside his portion is crowned as king.. but the person who gets the bean must pay the Roscón... Traditions!!.. I love eating it with a cup of hot chocolate but some people prefer to drink sweet wine..
At home we eat the Roscón plain, but you can buy it filled with whipped cream, or chocolate cream and many others.
My idea today was to present the Roscon on a pretty tray, , but it was impossible ... Even my "husband" that has been on diet for the last two years couldn´t stop eating my Roscón and even wondered why this delicious bun is only made once a year ... I see myself preparing it once a month ..
The truth is that it is exquisite, with the amounts given in the recipe I get a big roulade, but normally, I remove a small portion of dough for my kids to make a small one for the Three Magic's kings and they leave no crumbs !!
FOR preferment:
- 90 gr. of flour.
- 50 gr. of whole milk.
- 2 g. fresh yeast
- Preferment
- 340 gr. strong flour.
- 120 gr. whole milk
- 2 eggs
- 80 gr. of sugar
-15 gr. yeast
- 5g. of salt
- 60 gr. butter at room temperature
- 30 gr. rum
- 30 gr. orange blossom water
- 1 cinnamon stick
- The rind of half a lemon and half orange.
- Candied fruit
- Slivered almonds
- Sugar
In order to get a light and perfect crumb, the previous day we have to prepare the preferment. It is very easy and only takes us a few minutes. Dissolve the yeast in milk, add the flour and mix well and shape as a ball.
Let it rest in the fridge for 24 hours if possible ...
On the other hand, we will cook our 120 gr. milk along with the skins of lemon and orange and the cinnamon stick for 5 minutes. You will see that the amount of milk decreases considerably, store in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
NOTE: After boiled you may even run out of milk but don´t worry, just add a bit more to the fruit skins and cinnamon and keep in the fridge.
The next day you have to get down to work, we get the preferment out of the refrigerator a while before preparing the dough, we get the butter, eggs and leave at room temperature.
Strain the citrus infusion and weigh it, we add the rum and orange blossom water and if we have not completed the 120 grams, add a little water or milk, at our option.
In a bowl, we put all the ingredients except the butter and half the liquid only, to make it easier to knead ..
Mix well and add the remaining liquid, knead minimally and let it stand about 15 minutes so the yeast and ferment make their job afterwards we won´t get too tired of kneadding.
We knead for about 5 minutes and let the dough rest another 5, then add the butter in pieces and knead well until well integrated ..
Once you've got a beautiful smooth and homogeneous ball, cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it rest until size is doubled.
The monster is ready !!
We transfer the dough ball to a lightly floured surface and degas it,
Well, without air, we make a ball, make a hole in the center with your fingers and begin to open until completely shapped. If you find the dough difficult to shape, just let it stand a few minutes and then it will be easier.
Finally, once we have made the roulade, we put it on a baking paper and brush with egg. We place the corresponding surprises and the bean and rest for about an hour, or until doubled in size.
We already have a potential monster that smells great and is still raw, we return to paint with egg, decorate with candied fruit, almonds, anything that comes to mind ... Imagination to power .. or tradition ..
Now with the preheated oven, 190 ° and 20 minutes of tense waiting until you can sink your teeth into the delicacy that will provide your home with a mouthwatering smell,,,
Try it and you won´t be dissappointed!!
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